Hysteroscopy is the examination of the inside of the cervix and uterus using a thin, lighted, flexible tube called a hysteroscope. This process can be used for diagnostic and operative purposes

What is diagnostic hysteroscopy?

This process is used to diagnose the problems in the uterus which may be causing infertility and repeated miscarriages.

What is operative hysteroscopy?

The abnormal conditions that are detected during the diagnostic hysteroscopy are corrected by operative hysteroscopy either at the same time or at a later stage. During this process, small instruments to correct the abnormality are inserted through the hysteroscope.

When is hysteroscopy recommended?

A doctor may perform a hysteroscopy in the following conditions:

  • To diagnose the cause of infertility or repeated miscarriages
  • Abnormal Pap test results
  • Abnormal uterine bleeding
  • Bleeding after menopause
  • Examine and remove uterine scarring or adhesions, polyps, or fibroids
  • Find and remove displaced IUDs (intrauterine devices)
  • Place small birth control inserts into the fallopian tubes
  • Removal of a small tissue sample (biopsy)
  • Removal of endometrial lining

Hysteroscopy is not performed on pregnant women.

How is hysteroscopy performed?

Since periods can interfere with hysteroscopy surgery, it is performed a week after your period for clear examination of the uterus. Prior to surgery, anesthesia (local, regional, or general) is given.

  • Speculum is used to dilate your cervix.
  • The surgeon will insert a hysteroscope into the vagina.
  • Carbon dioxide gas or a liquid solution is inserted through the hysteroscope for better visibility.
  • Hysteroscope allows the doctor to examine the uterus and fallopian tubes.
  • Diagnosis is made, and if needed, surgery is performed using small instruments.

The whole process takes around 10-30 minutes, depending on the diagnostic and operative procedures needed to be performed.

What happens after hysteroscopy?

The patient may experience cramping, bleeding or spotting, shoulder pain, dizziness, fever, and nausea. Consult your doctor immediately.

If local anesthesia was used, you can be discharged from the hospital within a few hours. In case of general anesthesia, you may be admitted in the hospital for a day till the effects of anesthesia wear off.

Pain medications will be given if a surgery is performed. You can resume work and normal activities after resting for 1-2 days.

What are the advantages of hysteroscopy?

  • Compared to other invasive procedures, hysteroscopy requires short hospital stay with faster recovery.
  • No open incisions are required for surgery.
  • After the procedure, less pain and medications are required.

Is hysteroscopy safe?

Hysteroscopy is a safe procedure with minimal complications. Less than 1% of the patients may see complications like:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Damage to the cervix
  • Complications due to the fluid or gas used to expand the uterus

Get in touch with your doctor immediately if you experience any of these complications.

What is the success rate of hysteroscopy?

Hysteroscopy is the best way of evaluating the health of the uterus. Altogether hysteroscopy has a high success rate that increases the chances of conception and successful IVF.

What is the cost of hysteroscopy?

Depending on type of procedure and quality of healthcare, the cost of hysteroscopy can range from 5,000 to 50,000. Please check with your insurance policy if it covers the cost this procedure.

Frequently Asked Question

Q: How many embryos will be transferred during IVF?

A: The number of embryos transferred in the uterus depends on the age. Since the rate of implantation is lower in older women multiple embryos may be transferred. Consult with your doctor before the transfer procedure.

Q: Will IVF result in multiple pregnancy?

A: If more than one embryo is transferred, it can result in multiple pregnancy.

Q: Are there any side effects of IVF?

A: The medicines used for ovulation can cause mild pain, bloating, and nausea. This is called Ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome in which the ovaries become swollen and painful.